The Monkiest King

This year’s Canadian Children’s Opera Company main stage performance is The Monkiest  King.  It’s from the team of Marjorie Chan and Alice Ping Yee Ho who collaborated most successfully to create another highly successful Western/Chinese fusion piece; The Lesson Of Da Jee.  The inspiration for this one is the antics of Sun Wukong, the mischievous and arrogant Monkey King in the Chinese classic Journey to the West.


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Lull before the storm?

This week’s listings post is exceedingly dull.  Though the season of mince pies and Messiahs will soon be upon us, next week is really quiet.  The only event I’m aware off at this point is a concert next Sunday afternoon by the Canadian Children’s Opera Company.  It’s at 2pm at Grace Church on the Hill.  It will be their first public performance since Dean Burry took over a musical director.

Big contemporary opera weekend in Toronto

Considering the opera season in Toronto usually pretty much wraps up in May there’s a lot on over the next few days.  I guess the big ticket Is Philip Glass’ Einstein on the Beach which is running tonight, tomorrow night and Sunday afternoon/evening.  Unfortunately it’s extremely long and I have early reffing gigs both Saturday and Sunday so that pretty much rules it out.  It’s also at one of my least favourite performance spaces; the Sony Centre.  Also on this weekend is the Canadian Children’s Opera Company performance of a new work by Errol Gay called Laura’s Cow. based on events in the War of 1812  That’s on at the Enwave and I managed to score a couple of comps so I shall be going to that.  Then on Monday and Tuesday evenings Tapestry New Opera are workshopping Aaron Gervais’ The Enslavement and Liberation of Oksana G. at the Distillery.  Most all opera in Toronto happens within walking distance of the Kitten Kondo but that one is scarcely five minutes away.  The lemur is rehearsing so I’ll be on my own at that one. Busy times!