That survey

Blu-Ray-Disc-89676So a few weeks ago I asked readers to help me better understand how they viewed opera on video via a short survey.  The results follow though heavily caveated by the fact that only 22 people responded.

Most people use multiple methods to watch video with 86% using Youtube, 82% DVD, 59% Blu-ray, 50% free video streams and 28% subscription streams. but only 14% (not very surprisingly) using 4K video.

The primary method results are more interesting: 45% use the Internet, 54% use some kind of disk.  The former is dominated by Youtube.  On the latter DVD tops Blu-ray 2 to 1.

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Battle of Britten

Should there be popularity contests for operas? Is it legitimate to claim that one opera is “better” than another? Perhaps not, though opera house programming reflects the fact that the mobile vulgus has very firm views about what it will and will not part with its hard earned dollars, pounds or euros to see. In any case, today is Burns Day which seems as good a day as any to venture into the “base, common, and popular”. So herewith that most vulgar of instruments; an opinion poll:

OK, only really doing this to see if I can get polls to work.