New theatre season announcements

Crows-NestNew announcements about 2023/24 seasons have been coming in.  Perhaps the most interesting (unsurprisingly) comes from Crow’s Theatre which has become a “go to” destination in the last few years.  Highlights include:

  • A remount of Williams and Chatterton’s Rocking Horse Winner in collaboration with Tapestry Opera.  That’s in November 2023.
  • There’s also a very interesting sounding musical; Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812 presented in partnership with The Musical Stage Company.  December 2023 to January 2024.
  • Continuing the collaboration with The Howland Company there is Will Arbery’s Heroes of the Fourth Turning directed by Philip Akin (who directed Of the Sea).  This deals with the aftermath of the Charlottesvile Riots.  October 2023.

There’s lots more of course.  The full line up ranges from farce to one man shows about substance abuse.  The season brochure with the full line up, much more detail and subscription options is here.

Canadian Stage have also announced their 2023/24 season.  It includes quite a lot of dance including a show by Red Sky Productions and Nomada; a collaboration with Danceworks which blends aerial dance, installation art, and contemporary Mexican indigenous dance.  There’s also a reimagining of The Jungle Book by Akram Khan with music by Jocelyn Pook.  Overall I was surprised by just how much dance there is in the lineup but there’s plenty of straight theatre too.  Full details are here.

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